This Saturday is the half marathon in the Smokies. I have been training for this since February. I don't know if I would really say training....because I wasn't a runner and basically had to get there. Everyone says you will get hooked and become a runner, but as you can tell from previous posts I just want the medal from the half....I am not looking for anything more.
I changed my training schedule in April because my shin splints were so bad I was about to throw the towel in. I tried everything from compression socks, tea tree oil, exercises, foam rollers, and changed my shoes to no avail. But then I found a running program that increased my mileage by 10% each week - religiously and increased the number of days I ran. I was skeptical at first, but became a believer after a few weeks when my shin splints went away.
So, I run 6 days a week with my long run on Saturdays, 3 days a week I run 1/3 of the mileage from the long run and 2 days I run 2/3 of the mileage from the long run - amazing!
I strained my hip flexor in June and honestly I don't know how I did it. I think it was doing squats, but I am not sure. After 6 weeks I went to the doctor and he sidelined me from anything for a week. I started back slow about 2 weeks ago, just in time for one more long run before tapering. I am still babying it a little because I don't want any issues on Saturday. I live in the foothills of the Appalachians and my runs include hills, I have been running flat(ish) land for the last two weeks to keep healing. My half in the Smokies is steady incline for the race - so I wanted to make sure I am ready.
I have to say, that after 7 months I feel I am ready for Saturday and I am actually ready to do some long runs again. I always thought runners were crazy when they complained about having to taper. My thought process was that you don't HAVE to run 7 miles in one day during week and you GET to run only why complain. But, I can see why it drives people crazy. Our morning are not as humid as they have been and this morning would have been a beautiful 7-8 mile run, but instead I am tapering and did a measly 3. LOL It is funny, a few months ago I dreaded doing 3 miles and now it doesn't seem worth getting out of bed for.
My husband said the running bug bit me. I guess it did. But, I think it has been a blessing because I haven't been able to put in my mileage on the AT this year with my new business and this has kept me focused.
So, I know I said I only wanted one medal, but I think Becky and I are doing a 6 miler in October, and then of course there is the DRT 30k/50k. I did the 30k 2 years ago as a hiker. I will be curious to see what the difference will be as a runner.
So, here goes nothing ..... I will let you know if I get the medal :-)
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Finding the groove
Less than 2 months until my first half and I feel like I have finally found my groove with running. It doesn't seem rational that running more would reduce shin splints - but I am a believer!
This week I ran 2.6 miles three times, 5.2 miles twice (today was a 5.2 mile day) and Saturday I will run 8 miles. I didn't run a lot of hills this week because I pulled my hip flexor, so I have been trying to stay on fairly flat ground, which is hard to do in the foothills of the Appalachians :-) One thing that I have found with my running this week is that I have gotten faster. I had negative splits today and Tuesday (my 5.2 mile days) which is awesome.
This week I ran 2.6 miles three times, 5.2 miles twice (today was a 5.2 mile day) and Saturday I will run 8 miles. I didn't run a lot of hills this week because I pulled my hip flexor, so I have been trying to stay on fairly flat ground, which is hard to do in the foothills of the Appalachians :-) One thing that I have found with my running this week is that I have gotten faster. I had negative splits today and Tuesday (my 5.2 mile days) which is awesome.
After 5 months I can finally say that I enjoy running. I honestly never thought I would get to that point - the Army had cured me of ever enjoying running, but this training program has changed a lot of that and for that I am grateful.
I like having a goal that I am working towards - right now it is the half in Sept. My goals are normally to knock off miles on the AT, but this year with a new company - work keeps getting in the way and being off the grid for a week or more hasn't played out, so I guess I will just be content with the 25 miles I knocked off in May :-S. Next year I'll be back to the triple digits and moving my way north.
As running is getting easier I am looking forward to seeing what I am capable of for the DRT 30/50k. Two years ago I did the DRT 30k (Duncan Ridge Trail). I hiked the uphills and ran the downhills and with no training other than hiking I finished in just over 7 hours. This year I am still debating between the 30k and the 50k. I think I will wait until after the half to make that decision.
Follow me on instagram - my son got me started on there @sneakerswithmiles . It is much easier to post there from my phone than wait until I can blog on my computer ;-) I will keep y'all updated tho!
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Logging the miles....
Taking a break from the half marathon training for a section hike :-) And Becky's first backpacking trip. I needed to fill in a section north of Damascus to Damascus, VA - 25 miles in all.
We had gorgeous weather on our first day! We climbed Whitetop Mountain and enjoyed breathtaking views! If that isn't how you hook someone as a new hiker carrying 25 lbs I don't know what is.
After cresting Whitetop Mtn we started our downhill - and followed the white blazes painted on rocks when there were no trees.
We hiked a bit over 8 miles on day one and had a very uneventful evening :-) Lasagna for dinner and no animal visitors. We did start packing up in the rain tho, but once we set out for our longest day the rain held off. We came across this gorgeous forest that was different that the rest of the forest we hiked through.
Our hike did bring us up to the VA Creeper Trail that we shared for about 1/2 mile. We found a dry(ish) area to sit (on the creeper bridge) for a snack. Little did we know as we continued on the Trail we passed 3 or 4 benches :-). No wonder we got funny looks from the cyclists.
Becky tried to hitchhike - but didn't get any takers. I think she was just looking for someone to carry her pack :-)
As we closed in on our second day we had three climbs - up and downs with no breaks. But we walked the ridgeline, which is my FAVORITE!!
We are walking on the very top of the mountain and the mountain falls away on each side. On the way down we stopped to take a break and it started to sprinkle on us. It only rains when we stop :-) We'll take it. A few more miles and we set up camp between the AT, the Creeper Trail and a river. Listening to the river was very peaceful but we never considered that we had no privacy for bathroom business LOL. We had to wait for the sun to go down and beat the sun coming up :-) But Monday we set out on our last day - heading to the car parking in Damascus.
We met up with the Creeper Trail again and followed the white blazes that were painted on telephone poles for the longest mile into town.
And of course the obligatory final picture - be thankful you can't smell us!! That pink shirt I was wearing had to go through the wash twice!!!
So, now it is back to normal and back to the running schedule.
I have to say that when I read the advice to run 6 days a week and work out the mileage so you don't go more than 10% a week I was sceptical, but we ran Saturday 4.1 miles and I didn't have any problems with my shin splints. I think I've turned the corner.
So, a few weeks left to focus on running until I hit the trail again.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
4 more months...
It has been a while since my last post - I wasn't sure I would keep running. My shin splints are still there - and I actually told Becky I was done. But, she said - you can walk the half marathon if you want or walk the first half and run the second half..... well - when you put it like that!!! So, basically she wouldn't let me quit. Plus there is the nice metal at the end of the race - which of course is already paid for, and the cabin.... so.....
So, I started doing research. I have done all the research on how to treat shin splits, how to prevent shin splints, how to not get shin splints, exercises to prevent shin splints. I mean I am basically a walking encyclopedia for shin splints. If anyone wants to know ANYTHING about them - you come to me. But, I found a triathlon forum with people suffering like me. One of the participants had shin splints for a YEAR!! Lord help me! He recommended running 6 days a week and being strict with how much you run and how fast you add mileage. So, I went to the middle of August and worked my way back decreasing my mileage by 10% every week. So, the plan is to run 3 days a week at 1/3rd of the long run, 2 days at 2/3rd of the long run, and then the long run.
So, last week was my first week - 3 miles was my long run and I ran 3 days at 1 mile and 2 days at 2 days. I also found KT tape and wrapped my shins. I have never gotten "better" from the shin splints - but they aren't getting any worse - so I figured that was good. It was actually kind of nice just knowing I had a mile to run. I have been starting to conquer the hills on the short days and work on speed.
This week my long run will be 3.3 miles, 2.2 miles 2 days a week, and 1.1 mile 3 days a week. Today I did the 2.2 miles by myself - uphill both ways - and had an average pace of 11.06/mile. I'll take it :-) I have 4 months to the day! until the half marathon and will be diligent about the runs and being careful with the mileage. After each run I have a series of PT stretches and exercises that take about 15 minutes, but the guy on the forum said that when he was consistent with all of it - the mileage, the stretches, and the exercises he noticed improvement.
I'll let you know.
So, I started doing research. I have done all the research on how to treat shin splits, how to prevent shin splints, how to not get shin splints, exercises to prevent shin splints. I mean I am basically a walking encyclopedia for shin splints. If anyone wants to know ANYTHING about them - you come to me. But, I found a triathlon forum with people suffering like me. One of the participants had shin splints for a YEAR!! Lord help me! He recommended running 6 days a week and being strict with how much you run and how fast you add mileage. So, I went to the middle of August and worked my way back decreasing my mileage by 10% every week. So, the plan is to run 3 days a week at 1/3rd of the long run, 2 days at 2/3rd of the long run, and then the long run.
So, last week was my first week - 3 miles was my long run and I ran 3 days at 1 mile and 2 days at 2 days. I also found KT tape and wrapped my shins. I have never gotten "better" from the shin splints - but they aren't getting any worse - so I figured that was good. It was actually kind of nice just knowing I had a mile to run. I have been starting to conquer the hills on the short days and work on speed.
This week my long run will be 3.3 miles, 2.2 miles 2 days a week, and 1.1 mile 3 days a week. Today I did the 2.2 miles by myself - uphill both ways - and had an average pace of 11.06/mile. I'll take it :-) I have 4 months to the day! until the half marathon and will be diligent about the runs and being careful with the mileage. After each run I have a series of PT stretches and exercises that take about 15 minutes, but the guy on the forum said that when he was consistent with all of it - the mileage, the stretches, and the exercises he noticed improvement.
I'll let you know.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The hiker and runner clash
My first love is hiking. I am slowly but surely section hiking the Appalachian Trail. I am about 540 miles (2186 total give or take), so I still have some mileage to go. Last year I broke my leg and sprained my ankle and that put me out of the game after only getting 72 miles last year. This year I am ready!! I have been doing the PT exercises to strengthen my hips and working on my cardio all year at the gym and of course weights - bring on spring!!!
For non hikers - I plan my hikes with AWOL's AT Guide. It shows the elevation, parking, shelters, water sources, etc. So I know from the elevation if I can do 15 miles that day or maybe even 19. Then of course I have to arrange a shuttle. I park my car where I am going to finish my hike and get a shuttle to drop me off at the start, then I just hike back to my car. I don't have to worry about anyone else's time schedule to pick me up or if I finish early I am not having to wait or reschedule my shuttle. So, I have 3 hikes coming up this year that I am planning, hopefully 160-180 miles if I can swing it. My first hike is with Becky, her first overnight backpacking trip. It is only 23 miles - I got snowed out last year and have to fill in the gap. So we can go at a speed comfortable for her and take our time over a long weekend.
The section section will be with my youngest son - his first backpacking trip as well. We are going to attempt 50 miles over 5 days and the terrain is not bad at all so I think we should be able to get that finished.
Now, I was planning to do 70-80 miles around Labor Day. That would put me a good way up the trail :-) But, that is right before the half marathon. I sent Becky a message - easy miles - 75ish miles before the half marathon - good? Nope - she nixed that. Apparently I need to push that back until after the race so I "save my legs". So, I guess I will just take a week in the fall and enjoy the VA foliage.
Today we ran 3.6 miles in my new shoes. I got Asics Nimbus shoes to replace my Altras. Everyone I talked to said to change your shoes when you suffer from shin splints so I am praying this does the trick. We are doing 5 miles Saturday so I should have a good idea after that run.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Gorgeous day for a hike
I hung back and took pics so they could have some pace without "Mom" hanging out.
Don't you love the little tree holding up the big tree?
The view from the Hike Inn. After we ate warm oatmeal raisin cookies and hiked 5 miles we enjoyed the view. The boys played corn hole and battleship in the game room while I enjoyed the view.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
I'm getting there
So, slowly I'm getting back into running. Last week I ran two days and was working on my form. I was hitting with my heels and I needed to be running more on the balls of my feet. So, while Becky was out of town I took the opportunity to run in a flat area and just focus on that.
I also got fitted for new running shoes, since after talking to running friends and doing my own research if you don't have the right shoes you can get shin splints as well. But, the wrong ones I need to make a trip back to REI to exchange them.
Today Becky and I ran almost 3 miles. I noticed a big difference with my form and didn't have to think about it. Tomorrow we have 4 miles and it is back to our regular training schedule.
Meanwhile, I have been focusing on my weightlifting at the gym and elliptical cardio to stay in shape for hiking season :-)
I also got fitted for new running shoes, since after talking to running friends and doing my own research if you don't have the right shoes you can get shin splints as well. But, the wrong ones I need to make a trip back to REI to exchange them.
Today Becky and I ran almost 3 miles. I noticed a big difference with my form and didn't have to think about it. Tomorrow we have 4 miles and it is back to our regular training schedule.
Meanwhile, I have been focusing on my weightlifting at the gym and elliptical cardio to stay in shape for hiking season :-)
Time to start planning my section hiking trips and arranging for shuttles. Last year I had to end my hiking season early because of a sprained ankle and a fractured leg, so I am ready to get back to it. My son and Becky want to try backpacking and overnight trips so... I might not get as many miles in as originally planned, but maybe someone else will appreciate the solitude of the trail and enjoy it as much as me.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Color Run
This morning me and Becky and my middle son and her daughter did the Atlanta Color Run. I need to say that I have never done a Color Run, I've never done a 5k....I have done a 30k (hike/run) but man...this was a different beast.
So, since my only experience with a race that I have participated in was a 30k I was not expecting
#1 the amount of people and #2 the amount of walkers in the run. This run was more of an obstacle course dodging walkers, kids, and strollers - you definitely are not out for a PR. We did have a blast tho and thankfully all the color came off and I am no longer blue :-)
So, since my only experience with a race that I have participated in was a 30k I was not expecting
#1 the amount of people and #2 the amount of walkers in the run. This run was more of an obstacle course dodging walkers, kids, and strollers - you definitely are not out for a PR. We did have a blast tho and thankfully all the color came off and I am no longer blue :-)
Connor and Nya are ready for the color spritzers :-)
So proud of Connor - this was his first race ever :-)
The afters :-)
Becky getting blown off with a leaf blower before we left
I think the color adds character :-)
Now back to ice my shin and recover so we can start the training all over again.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Sidelined :(
My shin splints are not getting better, so I went to the sports doc today. He said maybe, perhaps a stress fracture but it is to soon to show up on an X-ray. So, I'm off running until after spring break. Becky is traveling next week so we will start back slow on the 11th. He said to work on my gait and cadence and to incorporate more walking.
But, on Saturday we have the Color Run - which of course isn't a true run - so no problem taking it nice and slow ;-)
Until the 11th I will be burning up the elliptical and the weights :)
And chilling like the dogs :-)
But, on Saturday we have the Color Run - which of course isn't a true run - so no problem taking it nice and slow ;-)
Until the 11th I will be burning up the elliptical and the weights :)
Saturday, March 26, 2016
It's real now folks...
Today is an overcast, cool day in North Georgia and we had 5 miles to do. I wasn't as nervous about completing it as I was last week because Becky was with me, I did the 4 miles all by myself with no problem, and I have been killing it on our weekly short runs.
We went down to Cumming and did an out and back on a road with a sidewalk and appropriate hills to make you wish you were anywhere but there. I am still getting in trouble for going to fast and she reminds me that I need to make sure I am with her. Maybe I am meant to be a record setting runner :) I am just happy to complete the 5 miles and not die!
She used run this area before and knew the mile markers so it was nice to see my Apple Watch was right on point.
Next week we have the Color Run so a 3.1 mile run will be a walk in the park :-)
Now that I know I can actually run for more than 2 miles I signed up for the Great Smoky Mountain Half. It is real now folks.
I'm going to ice my shins and be a bum for the rest of the day - I earned it :-)
We did finish our 5 miles in 1:01 - not bad for run a mile walk a minute. And I'm still alive to talk about it :-)
We went down to Cumming and did an out and back on a road with a sidewalk and appropriate hills to make you wish you were anywhere but there. I am still getting in trouble for going to fast and she reminds me that I need to make sure I am with her. Maybe I am meant to be a record setting runner :) I am just happy to complete the 5 miles and not die!
She used run this area before and knew the mile markers so it was nice to see my Apple Watch was right on point.
Next week we have the Color Run so a 3.1 mile run will be a walk in the park :-)
Now that I know I can actually run for more than 2 miles I signed up for the Great Smoky Mountain Half. It is real now folks.
I'm going to ice my shins and be a bum for the rest of the day - I earned it :-)
We did finish our 5 miles in 1:01 - not bad for run a mile walk a minute. And I'm still alive to talk about it :-)
Saturday, March 19, 2016
4 miles!!
What a gorgeous run! Nice and flat! I did an out and back, 4 miles :-) I paid attention to my pace and set up my interval for a 10 minute run, 1 min walk and I lasted the whole time :-):-):-)
Monday it is back to the hills of North Georgia and I won't be running in my shorts and tank top, it will be 32 Monday morning. Gotta love spring :-)
Friday, March 18, 2016
Rest Days!
As a gym rat I will confess that I don't take rest days - just replace weight lifting days with cardio. Now that I am running I am learning that I need to take rest days, especially with longer run days coming.
This week I ran 5 days (Sunday - Wednesday) and averaged about 2.5 miles each run. Thursday and today I have been spending time with family. For this trip I only packed one set of running clothes so I HAD to take time off.
Tomorrow I have 4 miles.....all by myself....but in flat Florida. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
This week I ran 5 days (Sunday - Wednesday) and averaged about 2.5 miles each run. Thursday and today I have been spending time with family. For this trip I only packed one set of running clothes so I HAD to take time off.
Tomorrow I have 4 miles.....all by myself....but in flat Florida. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Averaging 2.5 miles
Slowly but surely I am getting there. I ran 5 days straight this week and lived to tell about it :-)
This month's training schedule broke the runs down to minutes, not necessarily the run/walk schedule that made up February. Once we found the right pace I have been able to go the distance and run the minutes. It's amazing to me that 6 weeks ago we hadn't even started, and now I can run for 25 minutes straight.
I am still battling shin splints on my right side, but nothing like when we first started and I am amassing a nice collection of compression socks :-) Now I need to look at what to wear in the warm weather. This week it has been warmer and I am realizing that my workout capris are just too hot to run in with the compression socks.
But, now that the weather has started to warm up it is time to pull out the AT map and plan my next section, at least I am in my comfort zone there. :-) Time to show Becky how to do an overnight on the AT and knock out some serious miles! I do know that you burn more calories hiking than running - I looked that up when my husband was running.
Should be a fun summer and adding more miles to my sneakers. I wouldn't call myself a runner yet....I'm finding my groove, but I still feel like I am posing as one. But, as long as I have the right gear I can look the part :-)
Saturday I have 4 miles to myself....
But, at least it is in Florida, so nice and flat!!
Saturday, March 12, 2016
3 miles!
I started out this morning with a motley crew -
Becky and I were scheduled to do 3 miles. Her daughter, and 2 of my boys decided to join us.
All of our other runs were running for minutes (run/walking) this is the first true mileage run. So we started nice and slow at a good pace and the kids took off!! We did an out and back for the first mile and past 2 of the kids on their way back. Becky and I were essentially the tortoise to their hare :-)
We finished the hill and walked up to the movie theater where we did the laps around the theater. When we got to the top we were down to 4 of us. We had completed 1.22 miles before we started lapping the theater and before we finished the 3 miles we were the last ones standing. :-)
Not the best pic, the sun was in my eyes - but still we were it :-)
By the way - I ran over 1 1/2 miles straight today ;-) It is great to have friends that won't let you settle and show you how to get over the hump :-)
Thursday, March 10, 2016
The magic of pacing
Last night I was telling my husband that I can't get past the 2 minute run/1 min walk. I know I'm sick. I know I just started a month ago - but good grief this is getting old.
Today I laced up my sneakers and Becky had a plan - she was going to set the pace - 13 to start and go faster the longer we run. Today we have 25 minutes. So we went up to the movie theater parking lot where there is no traffic and it's flat. She was all geeked out with a garmin watch on one wrist and a running watch for intervals on the other.
She set the pace and it is slow, but I am a fast walker - basically shuffling my feet faster than I walk. When we finished the first 2 minutes I wasn't even sweating. We continued for about 3 cycles of 2/1 and then I ran as long as I could without stopping. 12 minutes!!!! I ran 12 minutes straight!!! At the end I had a nice rhythm of about 11 - 12 min/mile and could breathe!! Even with my cold.
Saturday we have 3 miles to do based on her training schedule. Today we did 2, so I'm not dreading 3 miles as much. Now I just need to find a good app for my apple watch to set the pace. The workout app built in to the watch tells me the average, not what I'm running. Any suggestions?
Today I laced up my sneakers and Becky had a plan - she was going to set the pace - 13 to start and go faster the longer we run. Today we have 25 minutes. So we went up to the movie theater parking lot where there is no traffic and it's flat. She was all geeked out with a garmin watch on one wrist and a running watch for intervals on the other.
She set the pace and it is slow, but I am a fast walker - basically shuffling my feet faster than I walk. When we finished the first 2 minutes I wasn't even sweating. We continued for about 3 cycles of 2/1 and then I ran as long as I could without stopping. 12 minutes!!!! I ran 12 minutes straight!!! At the end I had a nice rhythm of about 11 - 12 min/mile and could breathe!! Even with my cold.
Saturday we have 3 miles to do based on her training schedule. Today we did 2, so I'm not dreading 3 miles as much. Now I just need to find a good app for my apple watch to set the pace. The workout app built in to the watch tells me the average, not what I'm running. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Running with the crud
So, I have been battling the crud (I believe that is the official terminology for it) and running has been low on my list of things I want to do that involve deep breathing. I took off Friday - Tuesday and this morning Becky, Chris and I laced up our shoes and hit the road.
Chris is a long time runner, but coming back from an injury that sidelined her for months - so we are about the same speed. Becky, well, she runs the full 30 minutes when I'm not with her so.... you see what I mean.
Anyway, they let me set the pace and we didn't tackle any huge hills today. For the first 3 2 minute runs I did fairly good, I was ready to stop after 2 minutes, but my Apple Watch said I was doing between an 8 and 9 minute pace, too fast. Of course I petered out at the last 2 2 minute runs.
After the run Becky was explaining to me the importance of pacing, and not having run before it was never anything on my radar. Guess I will have to work on that :-)
Starting this month we are running minutes (doesn't matter how long the walk/run sections are) as long as the minutes are achieved. So, tomorrow is a 30 minute run/walk. I think while I battle the crud I will stick to the 2 run/1 walk routine and hopefully get to up that next week. Meanwhile, time to start planning some hikes since we are warming up here :-)
Chris is a long time runner, but coming back from an injury that sidelined her for months - so we are about the same speed. Becky, well, she runs the full 30 minutes when I'm not with her so.... you see what I mean.
Anyway, they let me set the pace and we didn't tackle any huge hills today. For the first 3 2 minute runs I did fairly good, I was ready to stop after 2 minutes, but my Apple Watch said I was doing between an 8 and 9 minute pace, too fast. Of course I petered out at the last 2 2 minute runs.
After the run Becky was explaining to me the importance of pacing, and not having run before it was never anything on my radar. Guess I will have to work on that :-)
Starting this month we are running minutes (doesn't matter how long the walk/run sections are) as long as the minutes are achieved. So, tomorrow is a 30 minute run/walk. I think while I battle the crud I will stick to the 2 run/1 walk routine and hopefully get to up that next week. Meanwhile, time to start planning some hikes since we are warming up here :-)
Monday, March 7, 2016
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Slowly but surely....
So, Becky made up a training schedule for me in January when I hatched this crazy idea. We started the beginning of February with 3 days a week and next week I am suppose to start running 5 days a week. But, I haven't been able to master the run/walk times listed yet because I've had to go slower because of my shin splints. This week I have been able to run everyday so far.
Monday we did the grueling 3 min run/1 min walk. I know that makes me sound like a running novice - but I am. :-) Did I mention it was uphill...both ways... (seriously).
Tuesday we did 2 min run/1 min walk because my shins were splinting - but I wanted to get the run in. It was a much easier time than the 3/1. It is amazing how long 3 minutes is when you are new to running. (Side note: I hope to look back on this in a few months and realize how far I've come from making that statement). But, I had to ice my shins last night and wasn't sure about running today. But, this morning I felt great, so this time Chris and I did another 2/1 round and I made it :-)
Tomorrow I will try 2:15/45 sec and see how that goes.
Monday we did the grueling 3 min run/1 min walk. I know that makes me sound like a running novice - but I am. :-) Did I mention it was uphill...both ways... (seriously).
Tuesday we did 2 min run/1 min walk because my shins were splinting - but I wanted to get the run in. It was a much easier time than the 3/1. It is amazing how long 3 minutes is when you are new to running. (Side note: I hope to look back on this in a few months and realize how far I've come from making that statement). But, I had to ice my shins last night and wasn't sure about running today. But, this morning I felt great, so this time Chris and I did another 2/1 round and I made it :-)
Tomorrow I will try 2:15/45 sec and see how that goes.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Here we go again....
Well, this morning Becky was back and my friend Chris joined us. Chris is an avid runner who recently got cleared to start running after an injury so slow and steady was appealing to her :-) (I'll take what I can get).
We did 3 min run/1 min walk uphill both ways and if felt like it. My strategy is to keep my head down and not look to see how much longer the hill is. It was a hard run today - but except for the last hill I ran the all of the 3 minutes (20 sec break on the last hill)!!!!
It is definitely easier to do with friends that hold you accountable, because let me tell you if I was alone I probably would have walked a lot more up the hills than putting my head down and pushing through.
I registered for my half marathon so I am one step closer to my bling and I still have 6 months to go. :-)
We did 3 min run/1 min walk uphill both ways and if felt like it. My strategy is to keep my head down and not look to see how much longer the hill is. It was a hard run today - but except for the last hill I ran the all of the 3 minutes (20 sec break on the last hill)!!!!
It is definitely easier to do with friends that hold you accountable, because let me tell you if I was alone I probably would have walked a lot more up the hills than putting my head down and pushing through.
I registered for my half marathon so I am one step closer to my bling and I still have 6 months to go. :-)
Saturday, February 27, 2016
A new "running" partner
Today is a gorgeous day - it was in the low 30's and not a cloud in the sky. Becky was not able to join me for a run this morning, but my 15 year old gladly stepped up to the challenge. I wanted to run outside and do another 1 1/2 min run/walk, 3 min run/walk to make sure my success of completing that on the treadmill wasn't a fluke.
Ethan and I set out for a 5 minute brisk walking warm up and we got to the top of one hill before we had to start running. For the first 1 1/2 minute run uphill Ethan took off like a gazelle and only looked back when he got to the top of the hill. We continued the run up to the movie theater (flat land) and I kept my slow but steady pace not wanting to inflict the wrath of shin splints.
I wouldn't say Ethan "ran" with me.... He was up ahead....way ahead....
Ethan and I set out for a 5 minute brisk walking warm up and we got to the top of one hill before we had to start running. For the first 1 1/2 minute run uphill Ethan took off like a gazelle and only looked back when he got to the top of the hill. We continued the run up to the movie theater (flat land) and I kept my slow but steady pace not wanting to inflict the wrath of shin splints.
I wouldn't say Ethan "ran" with me.... He was up ahead....way ahead....
But I had someone to run with me and keep me accountable so it is all good. :-)
Thursday, February 25, 2016
All by myself...
Yesterday I had to work all day. I had grand plans of going to the gym for a cardio day on the way home, but the Atlanta traffic and long drive took all the excitement out of that prospect. Today was a running day anyway and Becky said if it was 20 or below we should do the treadmill since none of our races are in that kind of weather (Races.... like we have that many planned LOL).
But, Becky had a family emergency so I was on my own. It was in the mid 30's this morning, but it was sleeting and snowing - so the treadmill it was. I pulled up my C25K app and it started a new week - week 3. This was where I ended my running 2 years ago when I got it in my head this would be a good idea. So, there is that mental block that it is make it or break it time. The workout consisted of a 5 minute warm up (1 1/2 min run/walk, then 3 min run/walk) twice and a 5 minute cool down. That is 3 minutes of straight running TWICE!! Ugh....
I did it!!! :-) :-) :-)
I know that it was only the treadmill and honestly I am not sure I could do it outside, but it was a good boost of confidence. Saturday is the next run day - so that will be moment of truth.
I got new compression sleeves but running on the treadmill I had no one to show them off to :-)
But, Becky had a family emergency so I was on my own. It was in the mid 30's this morning, but it was sleeting and snowing - so the treadmill it was. I pulled up my C25K app and it started a new week - week 3. This was where I ended my running 2 years ago when I got it in my head this would be a good idea. So, there is that mental block that it is make it or break it time. The workout consisted of a 5 minute warm up (1 1/2 min run/walk, then 3 min run/walk) twice and a 5 minute cool down. That is 3 minutes of straight running TWICE!! Ugh....
I did it!!! :-) :-) :-)
I know that it was only the treadmill and honestly I am not sure I could do it outside, but it was a good boost of confidence. Saturday is the next run day - so that will be moment of truth.
I got new compression sleeves but running on the treadmill I had no one to show them off to :-)
Nothing makes a run easier than new gear :-)
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Leg Day :-)
I love leg day - I think that is kind of weird since most of the guys at the gym rarely do leg day - they are always working upper body. But, on the plus side that means I get the Smith Machine without any arguments :-)
I injured myself during a hike last May and got sidelined until winter, so I focused more on weightlifting than cardio until January. Now that I am running (and I use that term loosely) I have to do higher weights and less reps on leg day.
I injured myself during a hike last May and got sidelined until winter, so I focused more on weightlifting than cardio until January. Now that I am running (and I use that term loosely) I have to do higher weights and less reps on leg day.
So, I put on my sparkled Converse and killed it :-)
I follow the workouts provided through Fighter Diet and tweaked it a bit to hit my goals.
Monday, February 22, 2016
"Hate me now, thank me later" the famous words Becky told me after our 25 minute run this morning. My shins are still yelling at me from our trail run this weekend so we ran on a fairly flat area (hard to find in the North Georgia mountains). But, I still made it - 2 minutes walk, 2 minutes run.
Back at the gym after our run I rounded out my Apple Watch calorie goals on the elliptical and an ab workout. Now I can sit on my duff and work for the rest of the day :-)
One day closer :-) And tomorrow is a not run day :-)
Back at the gym after our run I rounded out my Apple Watch calorie goals on the elliptical and an ab workout. Now I can sit on my duff and work for the rest of the day :-)
One day closer :-) And tomorrow is a not run day :-)
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Here goes nothing....
So - I am an AT section hiker - love it. I love the solitude of the mountains and the challenges of a 17 mile day or a 65 mile section hike. I have been hiking for 4 years, section hiking for 3, so far I have 600 miles under my belt and am in Virginia - the state that makes up 1/3 of the I will be there for a while.
My favorite section of the AT so far has been the Smokies that border TN/NC. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park gets the most visitors than any other National Park - that says something to the paradise it offers.
Well, The GSMNP just started offering a half marathon in September last year. I couldn't do a half marathon last year because I was recovering from a hiking injury, but I can this year!!! Let the running begin.
I tried to run a few years ago and did too much too soon and hurt my calf muscle. So, this year I am following a plan my running friend Becky created - similar to the C25K app to start. It has been 3 weeks and I am not loving it yet, but I have to say that it is easier than when I started before. I just want the finishers medal. Let's see how this goes...
One step at a time.
My favorite section of the AT so far has been the Smokies that border TN/NC. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park gets the most visitors than any other National Park - that says something to the paradise it offers.
Well, The GSMNP just started offering a half marathon in September last year. I couldn't do a half marathon last year because I was recovering from a hiking injury, but I can this year!!! Let the running begin.
I tried to run a few years ago and did too much too soon and hurt my calf muscle. So, this year I am following a plan my running friend Becky created - similar to the C25K app to start. It has been 3 weeks and I am not loving it yet, but I have to say that it is easier than when I started before. I just want the finishers medal. Let's see how this goes...
One step at a time.
Half marathon,
new runner,
trail running
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