Saturday, June 4, 2016

Logging the miles....

Taking a break from the half marathon training for a section hike :-)  And Becky's first backpacking trip.  I needed to fill in a section north of Damascus to Damascus, VA - 25 miles in all.

We had gorgeous weather on our first day!  We climbed Whitetop Mountain and enjoyed breathtaking views!  If that isn't how you hook someone as a new hiker carrying 25 lbs I don't know what is.

After cresting Whitetop Mtn we started our downhill - and followed the white blazes painted on rocks when there were no trees.

We hiked a bit over 8 miles on day one and had a very uneventful evening :-)  Lasagna for dinner and no animal visitors.  We did start packing up in the rain tho, but once we set out for our longest day the rain held off.  We came across this gorgeous forest that was different that the rest of the forest we hiked through.

Our hike did bring us up to the VA Creeper Trail that we shared for about 1/2 mile.  We found a dry(ish) area to sit (on the creeper bridge) for a snack.  Little did we know as we continued on the Trail we passed 3 or 4 benches :-).  No wonder we got funny looks from the cyclists.

Becky tried to hitchhike - but didn't get any takers.  I think she was just looking for someone to carry her pack :-)

As we closed in on our second day we had three climbs - up and downs with no breaks.  But we walked the ridgeline, which is my FAVORITE!!  
We are walking on the very top of the mountain and the mountain falls away on each side.  On the way down we stopped to take a break and it started to sprinkle on us.  It only rains when we stop :-)  We'll take it.   A few more miles and we set up camp between the AT, the Creeper Trail and a river.  Listening to the river was very peaceful but we never considered that we had no privacy for bathroom business LOL.  We had to wait for the sun to go down and beat the sun coming up :-) But Monday we set out on our last day - heading to the car parking in Damascus.

We met up with the Creeper Trail again and followed the white blazes that were painted on telephone poles for the longest mile into town.  

And of course the obligatory final picture - be thankful you can't smell us!! That pink shirt I was wearing had to go through the wash twice!!!

So, now it is back to normal and back to the running schedule.  

I have to say that when I read the advice to run 6 days a week and work out the mileage so you don't go more than 10% a week I was sceptical, but we ran Saturday 4.1 miles and I didn't have any problems with my shin splints.  I think I've turned the corner.  

So, a few weeks left to focus on running until I hit the trail again.

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