Tuesday, May 10, 2016

4 more months...

It has been a while since my last post - I wasn't sure I would keep running.  My shin splints are still there - and I actually told Becky I was done.  But, she said - you can walk the half marathon if you want or walk the first half and run the second half..... well - when you put it like that!!!  So, basically she wouldn't let me quit.  Plus there is the nice metal at the end of the race - which of course is already paid for, and the cabin.... so.....

So, I started doing research.  I have done all the research on how to treat shin splits, how to prevent shin splints, how to not get shin splints, exercises to prevent shin splints.  I mean I am basically a walking encyclopedia for shin splints.  If anyone wants to know ANYTHING about them - you come to me.  But, I found a triathlon forum with people suffering like me.  One of the participants had shin splints for a YEAR!!  Lord help me!  He recommended running 6 days a week and being strict with how much you run and how fast you add mileage.  So, I went to the middle of August and worked my way back decreasing my mileage by 10% every week.  So, the plan is to run 3 days a week at 1/3rd of the long run, 2 days at 2/3rd of the long run, and then the long run.

So, last week was my first week - 3 miles was my long run and I ran 3 days at 1 mile and 2 days at 2 days.  I also found KT tape and wrapped my shins.  I have never gotten "better" from the shin splints - but they aren't getting any worse - so I figured that was good.  It was actually kind of nice just knowing I had a mile to run. I have been starting to conquer the hills on the short days and work on speed.

This week my long run will be 3.3 miles, 2.2 miles 2 days a week, and 1.1 mile 3 days a week.  Today I did the 2.2 miles by myself - uphill both ways - and had an average pace of 11.06/mile.  I'll take it :-)  I have 4 months to the day! until the half marathon and will be diligent about the runs and being careful with the mileage.  After each run I have a series of PT stretches and exercises that take about 15 minutes, but the guy on the forum said that when he was consistent with all of it - the mileage, the stretches, and the exercises he noticed improvement.

I'll let you know.

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