So - I am an AT section hiker - love it. I love the solitude of the mountains and the challenges of a 17 mile day or a 65 mile section hike. I have been hiking for 4 years, section hiking for 3, so far I have 600 miles under my belt and am in Virginia - the state that makes up 1/3 of the I will be there for a while.
My favorite section of the AT so far has been the Smokies that border TN/NC. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park gets the most visitors than any other National Park - that says something to the paradise it offers.
Well, The GSMNP just started offering a half marathon in September last year. I couldn't do a half marathon last year because I was recovering from a hiking injury, but I can this year!!! Let the running begin.
I tried to run a few years ago and did too much too soon and hurt my calf muscle. So, this year I am following a plan my running friend Becky created - similar to the C25K app to start. It has been 3 weeks and I am not loving it yet, but I have to say that it is easier than when I started before. I just want the finishers medal. Let's see how this goes...
One step at a time.
You've got this!