Thursday, February 25, 2016

All by myself...

Yesterday I had to work all day.  I had grand plans of going to the gym for a cardio day on the way home, but the Atlanta traffic and long drive took all the excitement out of that prospect.  Today was a running day anyway and Becky said if it was 20 or below we should do the treadmill since none of our races are in that kind of weather (Races.... like we have that many planned LOL).

But, Becky had a family emergency so I was on my own.  It was in the mid 30's this morning, but it was sleeting and snowing - so the treadmill it was.  I pulled up my C25K app and it started a new week - week 3.  This was where I ended my running 2 years ago when I got it in my head this would be a good idea.  So, there is that mental block that it is make it or break it time.  The workout consisted of a 5 minute warm up (1 1/2 min run/walk, then 3 min run/walk) twice and a 5 minute cool down.  That is 3 minutes of straight running TWICE!!  Ugh....

I did it!!!  :-) :-) :-)

I know that it was only the treadmill and honestly I am not sure I could do it outside,  but it was a good boost of confidence.  Saturday is the next run day - so that will be moment of truth.

I got new compression sleeves but running on the treadmill I had no one to show them off to :-)

Nothing makes a run easier than new gear :-)

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