Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Running with the crud

So, I have been battling the crud (I believe that is the official terminology for it) and running has been low on my list of things I want to do that involve deep breathing.  I took off Friday - Tuesday and this morning Becky, Chris and I laced up our shoes and hit the road.

Chris is a long time runner, but coming back from an injury that sidelined her for months - so we are about the same speed.  Becky, well, she runs the full 30 minutes when I'm not with her so.... you see what I mean.

Anyway, they let me set the pace and we didn't tackle any huge hills today.  For the first 3 2 minute runs I did fairly good, I was ready to stop after 2 minutes, but my Apple Watch said I was doing between an 8 and 9 minute pace, too fast.  Of course I petered out at the last 2 2 minute runs.

After the run Becky was explaining to me the importance of pacing, and not having run before it was never anything on my radar.  Guess I will have to work on that :-)

Starting this month we are running minutes (doesn't matter how long the walk/run sections are) as long as the minutes are achieved.  So, tomorrow is a 30 minute run/walk.  I think while I battle the crud I will stick to the 2 run/1 walk routine and hopefully get to up that next week.  Meanwhile, time to start planning some hikes since we are warming up here :-)

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