Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Coming down to the wire

This Saturday is the half marathon in the Smokies.  I have been training for this since February.  I don't know if I would really say training....because I wasn't a runner and basically had to get there.  Everyone says you will get hooked and become a runner, but as you can tell from previous posts I just want the medal from the half....I am not looking for anything more.

I changed my training schedule in April because my shin splints were so bad I was about to throw the towel in.  I tried everything from compression socks, tea tree oil, exercises, foam rollers, and changed my shoes to no avail.  But then I found a running program that increased my mileage by 10% each week - religiously and increased the number of days I ran.  I was skeptical at first, but became a believer after a few weeks when my shin splints went away.

So, I run 6 days a week with my long run on Saturdays, 3 days a week I run 1/3 of the mileage from the long run and 2 days I run 2/3 of the mileage from the long run - amazing!

I strained my hip flexor in June and honestly I don't know how I did it.  I think it was doing squats, but I am not sure.  After 6 weeks I went to the doctor and he sidelined me from anything for a week.  I started back slow about 2 weeks ago, just in time for one more long run before tapering.  I am still babying it a little because I don't want any issues on Saturday.  I live in the foothills of the Appalachians and my runs include hills, I have been running flat(ish) land for the last two weeks to keep healing.  My half in the Smokies is steady incline for the race - so I wanted to make sure I am ready.

I have to say, that after 7 months I feel I am ready for Saturday and I am actually ready to do some long runs again.  I always thought runners were crazy when they complained about having to taper.  My thought process was that you don't HAVE to run 7 miles in one day during week and you GET to run only 3...so why complain.  But, I can see why it drives people crazy.  Our morning are not as humid as they have been and this morning would have been a beautiful 7-8 mile run, but instead I am tapering and did a measly 3.  LOL  It is funny, a few months ago I dreaded doing 3 miles and now it doesn't seem worth getting out of bed for.

My husband said the running bug bit me.  I guess it did.  But, I think it has been a blessing because I haven't been able to put in my mileage on the AT this year with my new business and this has kept me focused.

So, I know I said I only wanted one medal, but I think Becky and I are doing a 6 miler in October, and then of course there is the DRT 30k/50k.  I did the 30k 2 years ago as a hiker.  I will be curious to see what the difference will be as a runner.

So, here goes nothing .....  I will let you know if I get the medal :-)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Finding the groove

Less than 2 months until my first half and I feel like I have finally found my groove with running.  It doesn't seem rational that running more would reduce shin splints - but I am a believer!

This week I ran 2.6 miles three times, 5.2 miles twice (today was a 5.2 mile day) and Saturday I will run 8 miles.  I didn't run a lot of hills this week because I pulled my hip flexor, so I have been trying to stay on fairly flat ground, which is hard to do in the foothills of the Appalachians :-)  One thing that I have found with my running this week is that I have gotten faster.  I had negative splits today and Tuesday (my 5.2 mile days) which is awesome.

After 5 months I can finally say that I enjoy running.  I honestly never thought I would get to that point - the Army had cured me of ever enjoying running, but this training program has changed a lot of that and for that I am grateful. 

 I like having a goal that I am working towards - right now it is the half in Sept.  My goals are normally to knock off miles on the AT, but this year with a new company - work keeps getting in the way and being off the grid for a week or more hasn't played out, so I guess I will just be content with the 25 miles I knocked off in May :-S.  Next year I'll be back to the triple digits and moving my way north.

As running is getting easier I am looking forward to seeing what I am capable of for the DRT 30/50k.  Two years ago I did the DRT 30k (Duncan Ridge Trail).  I hiked the uphills and ran the downhills and with no training other than hiking I finished in just over 7 hours.  This year I am still debating between the 30k and the 50k.  I think I will wait until after the half to make that decision.  

Follow me on instagram - my son got me started on there @sneakerswithmiles.  It is much easier to post there from my phone than wait until I can blog on my computer ;-)  I will keep y'all updated tho!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Logging the miles....

Taking a break from the half marathon training for a section hike :-)  And Becky's first backpacking trip.  I needed to fill in a section north of Damascus to Damascus, VA - 25 miles in all.

We had gorgeous weather on our first day!  We climbed Whitetop Mountain and enjoyed breathtaking views!  If that isn't how you hook someone as a new hiker carrying 25 lbs I don't know what is.

After cresting Whitetop Mtn we started our downhill - and followed the white blazes painted on rocks when there were no trees.

We hiked a bit over 8 miles on day one and had a very uneventful evening :-)  Lasagna for dinner and no animal visitors.  We did start packing up in the rain tho, but once we set out for our longest day the rain held off.  We came across this gorgeous forest that was different that the rest of the forest we hiked through.

Our hike did bring us up to the VA Creeper Trail that we shared for about 1/2 mile.  We found a dry(ish) area to sit (on the creeper bridge) for a snack.  Little did we know as we continued on the Trail we passed 3 or 4 benches :-).  No wonder we got funny looks from the cyclists.

Becky tried to hitchhike - but didn't get any takers.  I think she was just looking for someone to carry her pack :-)

As we closed in on our second day we had three climbs - up and downs with no breaks.  But we walked the ridgeline, which is my FAVORITE!!  
We are walking on the very top of the mountain and the mountain falls away on each side.  On the way down we stopped to take a break and it started to sprinkle on us.  It only rains when we stop :-)  We'll take it.   A few more miles and we set up camp between the AT, the Creeper Trail and a river.  Listening to the river was very peaceful but we never considered that we had no privacy for bathroom business LOL.  We had to wait for the sun to go down and beat the sun coming up :-) But Monday we set out on our last day - heading to the car parking in Damascus.

We met up with the Creeper Trail again and followed the white blazes that were painted on telephone poles for the longest mile into town.  

And of course the obligatory final picture - be thankful you can't smell us!! That pink shirt I was wearing had to go through the wash twice!!!

So, now it is back to normal and back to the running schedule.  

I have to say that when I read the advice to run 6 days a week and work out the mileage so you don't go more than 10% a week I was sceptical, but we ran Saturday 4.1 miles and I didn't have any problems with my shin splints.  I think I've turned the corner.  

So, a few weeks left to focus on running until I hit the trail again.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

4 more months...

It has been a while since my last post - I wasn't sure I would keep running.  My shin splints are still there - and I actually told Becky I was done.  But, she said - you can walk the half marathon if you want or walk the first half and run the second half..... well - when you put it like that!!!  So, basically she wouldn't let me quit.  Plus there is the nice metal at the end of the race - which of course is already paid for, and the cabin.... so.....

So, I started doing research.  I have done all the research on how to treat shin splits, how to prevent shin splints, how to not get shin splints, exercises to prevent shin splints.  I mean I am basically a walking encyclopedia for shin splints.  If anyone wants to know ANYTHING about them - you come to me.  But, I found a triathlon forum with people suffering like me.  One of the participants had shin splints for a YEAR!!  Lord help me!  He recommended running 6 days a week and being strict with how much you run and how fast you add mileage.  So, I went to the middle of August and worked my way back decreasing my mileage by 10% every week.  So, the plan is to run 3 days a week at 1/3rd of the long run, 2 days at 2/3rd of the long run, and then the long run.

So, last week was my first week - 3 miles was my long run and I ran 3 days at 1 mile and 2 days at 2 days.  I also found KT tape and wrapped my shins.  I have never gotten "better" from the shin splints - but they aren't getting any worse - so I figured that was good.  It was actually kind of nice just knowing I had a mile to run. I have been starting to conquer the hills on the short days and work on speed.

This week my long run will be 3.3 miles, 2.2 miles 2 days a week, and 1.1 mile 3 days a week.  Today I did the 2.2 miles by myself - uphill both ways - and had an average pace of 11.06/mile.  I'll take it :-)  I have 4 months to the day! until the half marathon and will be diligent about the runs and being careful with the mileage.  After each run I have a series of PT stretches and exercises that take about 15 minutes, but the guy on the forum said that when he was consistent with all of it - the mileage, the stretches, and the exercises he noticed improvement.

I'll let you know.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The hiker and runner clash

My first love is hiking.  I am slowly but surely section hiking the Appalachian Trail.  I am about 540 miles (2186 total give or take), so I still have some mileage to go. Last year I broke my leg and sprained my ankle and that put me out of the game after only getting 72 miles last year.  This year I am ready!!  I have been doing the PT exercises to strengthen my hips and working on my cardio all year at the gym and of course weights - bring on spring!!!

For non hikers - I plan my hikes with AWOL's AT Guide.  It shows the elevation, parking, shelters, water sources, etc.  So I know from the elevation if I can do 15 miles that day or maybe even 19.  Then of course I have to arrange a shuttle.  I park my car where I am going to finish my hike and get a shuttle to drop me off at the start, then I just hike back to my car.  I don't have to worry about anyone else's time schedule to pick me up or if I finish early I am not having to wait or reschedule my shuttle.  So, I have 3 hikes coming up this year that I am planning, hopefully 160-180 miles if I can swing it.  My first hike is with Becky, her first overnight backpacking trip.  It is only 23 miles - I got snowed out last year and have to fill in the gap.  So we can go at a speed comfortable for her and take our time over a long weekend.

The section section will be with my youngest son - his first backpacking trip as well.  We are going to attempt 50 miles over 5 days and the terrain is not bad at all so I think we should be able to get that finished.  

Now, I was planning to do 70-80 miles around Labor Day.  That would put me a good way up the trail :-)  But, that is right before the half marathon.  I sent Becky a message - easy miles - 75ish miles before the half marathon - good?  Nope - she nixed that.  Apparently I need to push that back until after the race so I "save my legs".  So, I guess I will just take a week in the fall and enjoy the VA foliage.

Today we ran 3.6 miles in my new shoes.  I got Asics Nimbus shoes to replace my Altras.  Everyone I talked to said to change your shoes when you suffer from shin splints so I am praying this does the trick.  We are doing 5 miles Saturday so I should have a good idea after that run.  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Gorgeous day for a hike

 Today was gorgeous and I have been itching to get back on the trail.  My son and his friend went on a hike to the Len Foote Hike Inn - an Inn that you can only access by hiking.  It isn't a bad hike at all and perfect for Ethan's friend's first ever hike!  So we set off 5 miles for the Hike Inn where I told them there are cookies for hikers :-)

I hung back and took pics so they could have some pace without "Mom" hanging out.

Don't you love the little tree holding up the big tree?

The view from the Hike Inn.  After we ate warm oatmeal raisin cookies and hiked 5 miles we enjoyed the view.  The boys played corn hole and battleship in the game room while I enjoyed the view.

 Time to start finalizing plans for the upcoming section hikes :-)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

I'm getting there

So, slowly I'm getting back into running.  Last week I ran two days and was working on my form.  I was hitting with my heels and I needed to be running more on the balls of my feet.  So, while Becky was out of town I took the opportunity to run in a flat area and just focus on that.

I also got fitted for new running shoes, since after talking to running friends and doing my own research if you don't have the right shoes you can get shin splints as well.  But, the wrong ones came....so I need to make a trip back to REI to exchange them.

Today Becky and I ran almost 3 miles.  I noticed a big difference with my form and didn't have to think about it.  Tomorrow we have 4 miles and it is back to our regular training schedule.

Meanwhile, I have been focusing on my weightlifting at the gym and elliptical cardio to stay in shape for hiking season :-)

Time to start planning my section hiking trips and arranging for shuttles.  Last year I had to end my hiking season early because of a sprained ankle and a fractured leg, so I am ready to get back to it.  My son and Becky want to try backpacking and overnight trips so... I might not get as many miles in as originally planned, but maybe someone else will appreciate the solitude of the trail and enjoy it as much as me.