Monday, March 28, 2016

Sidelined :(

My shin splints are not getting better, so I went to the sports doc today.  He said maybe, perhaps a stress fracture but it is to soon to show up on an X-ray.  So, I'm off running until after spring break.  Becky is traveling next week so we will start back slow on the 11th.  He said to work on my gait and cadence and to incorporate more walking.

But, on Saturday we have the Color Run - which of course isn't a true run - so no problem taking it nice and slow ;-)

Until the 11th I will be burning up the elliptical and the weights :)

 And chilling like the dogs :-)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

It's real now folks...

Today is an overcast, cool day in North Georgia and we had 5 miles to do.  I wasn't as nervous about completing it as I was last week because Becky was with me, I did the 4 miles all by myself with no problem, and I have been killing it on our weekly short runs.

We went down to Cumming and did an out and back on a road with a sidewalk and appropriate hills to make you wish you were anywhere but there.  I am still getting in trouble for going to fast and she reminds me that I need to make sure I am with her.  Maybe I am meant to be a record setting runner :)  I am just happy to complete the 5 miles and not die!

She used run this area before and knew the mile markers so it was nice to see my Apple Watch was right on point.

Next week we have the Color Run so a 3.1 mile run will be a walk in the park :-)

Now that I know I can actually run for more than 2 miles I signed up for the Great Smoky Mountain Half.  It is real now folks.

I'm going to ice my shins and be a bum for the rest of the day - I earned it :-)

We did finish our 5 miles in 1:01 - not bad for run a mile walk a minute.  And I'm still alive to talk about it :-)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

4 miles!!

What a gorgeous run!  Nice and flat!  I did an out and back, 4 miles :-)  I paid attention to my pace and set up my interval for a 10 minute run, 1 min walk and I lasted the whole time :-):-):-)

Monday it is back to the hills of North Georgia and I won't be running in my shorts and tank top, it will be 32 Monday morning.  Gotta love spring :-)

Friday, March 18, 2016

Rest Days!

As a gym rat I will confess that I don't take rest days - just replace weight lifting days with cardio.  Now that I am running I am learning that I need to take rest days, especially with longer run days coming.

This week I ran 5 days (Sunday - Wednesday) and averaged about 2.5 miles each run.  Thursday and today I have been spending time with family.  For this trip I only packed one set of running clothes so I HAD to take time off.

Tomorrow I have 4 miles.....all by myself....but in flat Florida.  I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Averaging 2.5 miles

Slowly but surely I am getting there.  I ran 5 days straight this week and lived to tell about it :-)

This month's training schedule broke the runs down to minutes, not necessarily the run/walk schedule that made up February.  Once we found the right pace I have been able to go the distance and run the minutes.  It's amazing to me that 6 weeks ago we hadn't even started, and now I can run for 25 minutes straight.  

I am still battling shin splints on my right side, but nothing like when we first started and I am amassing a nice collection of compression socks :-)  Now I need to look at what to wear in the warm weather.  This week it has been warmer and I am realizing that my workout capris are just too hot to run in with the compression socks.  

But, now that the weather has started to warm up it is time to pull out the AT map and plan my next section, at least I am in my comfort zone there.  :-)  Time to show Becky how to do an overnight on the AT and knock out some serious miles!   I do know that you burn more calories hiking than running - I looked that up when my husband was running.

Should be a fun summer and adding more miles to my sneakers.  I wouldn't call myself a runner yet....I'm finding my groove, but I still feel like I am posing as one.  But, as long as I have the right gear I can look the part :-)

Saturday I have 4 miles to myself....
But, at least it is in Florida, so nice and flat!!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

3 miles!

I started out this morning with a motley crew -

Becky and I were scheduled to do 3 miles.  Her daughter, and 2 of my boys decided to join us.

All of our other runs were running for minutes (run/walking) this is the first true mileage run.  So we started nice and slow at a good pace and the kids took off!!  We did an out and back for the first mile and past 2 of the kids on their way back.  Becky and I were essentially the tortoise to their hare :-)

We finished the hill and walked up to the movie theater where we did the laps around the theater.  When we got to the top we were down to 4 of us.  We had completed 1.22 miles before we started lapping the theater and before we finished the 3 miles we were the last ones standing. :-)

Not the best pic, the sun was in my eyes - but still we were it :-)  

By the way - I ran over 1 1/2 miles straight today ;-)  It is great to have friends that won't let you settle and show you how to get over the hump :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The magic of pacing

Last night I was telling my husband that I can't get past the 2 minute run/1 min walk.  I know I'm sick.  I know I just started a month ago - but good grief this is getting old.

Today I laced up my sneakers and Becky had a plan - she was going to set the pace - 13 to start and go faster the longer we run.  Today we have 25 minutes.  So we went up to the movie theater parking lot where there is no traffic and it's flat.  She was all geeked out with a garmin watch on one wrist and a running watch for intervals on the other.

She set the pace and it is slow, but I am a fast walker - basically shuffling my feet faster than I walk.  When we finished the first 2 minutes I wasn't even sweating.  We continued for about 3 cycles of 2/1 and then I ran as long as I could without stopping.  12 minutes!!!!  I ran 12 minutes straight!!!  At the end I had a nice rhythm of about 11 - 12 min/mile and could breathe!!  Even with my cold.

Saturday we have 3 miles to do based on her training schedule.  Today we did 2, so I'm not dreading 3 miles as much.  Now I just need to find a good app for my apple watch to set the pace.  The workout app built in to the watch tells me the average, not what I'm running.  Any suggestions?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Running with the crud

So, I have been battling the crud (I believe that is the official terminology for it) and running has been low on my list of things I want to do that involve deep breathing.  I took off Friday - Tuesday and this morning Becky, Chris and I laced up our shoes and hit the road.

Chris is a long time runner, but coming back from an injury that sidelined her for months - so we are about the same speed.  Becky, well, she runs the full 30 minutes when I'm not with her so.... you see what I mean.

Anyway, they let me set the pace and we didn't tackle any huge hills today.  For the first 3 2 minute runs I did fairly good, I was ready to stop after 2 minutes, but my Apple Watch said I was doing between an 8 and 9 minute pace, too fast.  Of course I petered out at the last 2 2 minute runs.

After the run Becky was explaining to me the importance of pacing, and not having run before it was never anything on my radar.  Guess I will have to work on that :-)

Starting this month we are running minutes (doesn't matter how long the walk/run sections are) as long as the minutes are achieved.  So, tomorrow is a 30 minute run/walk.  I think while I battle the crud I will stick to the 2 run/1 walk routine and hopefully get to up that next week.  Meanwhile, time to start planning some hikes since we are warming up here :-)

Monday, March 7, 2016


No updates the last few days....Battling the flu/cold.  Starting all over again Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Slowly but surely....

So, Becky made up a training schedule for me in January when I hatched this crazy idea.  We started the beginning of February with 3 days a week and next week I am suppose to start running 5 days a week.  But, I haven't been able to master the run/walk times listed yet because I've had to go slower because of my shin splints.  This week I have been able to run everyday so far.

Monday we did the grueling 3 min run/1 min walk.  I know that makes me sound like a running novice - but I am.  :-)  Did I mention it was uphill...both ways... (seriously).

Tuesday we did 2 min run/1 min walk because my shins were splinting - but I wanted to get the run in.  It was a much easier time than the 3/1.  It is amazing how long 3 minutes is when you are new to running.  (Side note:  I hope to look back on this in a few months and realize how far I've come from making that statement).  But, I had to ice my shins last night and wasn't sure about running today.  But, this morning I felt great, so this time Chris and I did another 2/1 round and I made it :-)

Tomorrow I will try 2:15/45 sec and see how that goes.