Thursday, July 14, 2016

Finding the groove

Less than 2 months until my first half and I feel like I have finally found my groove with running.  It doesn't seem rational that running more would reduce shin splints - but I am a believer!

This week I ran 2.6 miles three times, 5.2 miles twice (today was a 5.2 mile day) and Saturday I will run 8 miles.  I didn't run a lot of hills this week because I pulled my hip flexor, so I have been trying to stay on fairly flat ground, which is hard to do in the foothills of the Appalachians :-)  One thing that I have found with my running this week is that I have gotten faster.  I had negative splits today and Tuesday (my 5.2 mile days) which is awesome.

After 5 months I can finally say that I enjoy running.  I honestly never thought I would get to that point - the Army had cured me of ever enjoying running, but this training program has changed a lot of that and for that I am grateful. 

 I like having a goal that I am working towards - right now it is the half in Sept.  My goals are normally to knock off miles on the AT, but this year with a new company - work keeps getting in the way and being off the grid for a week or more hasn't played out, so I guess I will just be content with the 25 miles I knocked off in May :-S.  Next year I'll be back to the triple digits and moving my way north.

As running is getting easier I am looking forward to seeing what I am capable of for the DRT 30/50k.  Two years ago I did the DRT 30k (Duncan Ridge Trail).  I hiked the uphills and ran the downhills and with no training other than hiking I finished in just over 7 hours.  This year I am still debating between the 30k and the 50k.  I think I will wait until after the half to make that decision.  

Follow me on instagram - my son got me started on there @sneakerswithmiles.  It is much easier to post there from my phone than wait until I can blog on my computer ;-)  I will keep y'all updated tho!